Students' National Chemical Engineering Conference
With hundreds of participants all over the Philippines, the UP Chemical Engineering Society Inc. has successfully launched the Students’ National Chemical Engineering Conference or SNCEC 2021 last January 29 until February 6. Through its 3 sub-events, SNCEC 2021 worked to connect chemical engineering students from all over the Philippines through a series of mixers, webinars and competitions.
Last January 29 and 30, through the participation of 160 Zoom attendees and 490 livestream viewers, NACHES shaped up to become a fruitful experience for chemical engineering students across the country. As renowned experts openly delved into packaging development, food safety, and quality assurance, participants were given a taste of the chemical engineering practice in the food industry. NACHES certainly expanded the menu of possibilities for future professionals in the field.
On January 28 and 29, SCENE 2021 provided 220 students an avenue to learn about their possible future careers by directly interacting with 17 representatives from 8 companies deeply ingrained in the chemical engineering industries. This event also gave the students information on possible internship and employment opportunities they could pursue in the near future.
Finally, on February 6, the Inter-University Chemical Engineering Quiz Show made its comeback after being canceled last 2020 due to the pandemic. Despite being the first rendition of an online Inter-U, the wit and competitive spirit of the 19 teams managed to shine through! Though all the participants deserve a round of applause for a quiz bee well fought, three teams managed to power through to the top. Congratulations to Technological Institute of the Philippines - Team B for bagging second runner-up; De La Salle University - Team B for getting first-runner up; and, Adamson University - Team A for being this year's Inter-U champion!
The SNCEC 2021 team would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all participating students, schools, speakers, companies, and partners for making this event a success. Additionally, it has been an honor to have Manila Review Institute, Inc., Quantum Review Center, and Auxesis Review Center as our primary sponsors for this year’s SNCEC. Each sub-event could not have been possible without your involvement. We hope to see you in our next iteration of SNCEC!