SUIT-UP: Integrating Role Diversity to Conquer Business Adversity
"Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management, Human Resource, and Office Administration. These are just a few of the business-related courses that can push a student to their potential. Though sometimes, the courses being different from each other creates a stigma and leads to diversity within the field.
To furthermore enhance student competencies and downscale the effects of field diversity, the College of Business Administration's Student Council from Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila will be conducting a seminar entitled "SUIT-UP: Integrating Role Diversity to Conquer Business Adversity" this September 18, 2019, at the Bulwagang Balagtas PUP Manila. With guest speakers well-known from the business industry and a lot of lessons to learn!
So, are you ready to take on into a new adventure? Join us as we venture into a multiverse of business knowledge and experience. Be ready for a leap of excitement and learning because this could literally not get any greater without you!"