Education Secretary Armin Luistro and representatives of partner institutions signed a letter of understanding (LoU) for the School Division Superintendents (SDS) Training Program, which aims to upgrade competencies of SDSs in preparation for the K to 12 Program.
From L-R (RINA LOPEZ-BAUTISTA, Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc., ELAINE WARD, Australian Agency for International Development, DR. OSCAR M. LOPEZ, Lopez Group Foundation, Inc., BR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO FSC, Department of Education, BR. RICARDO LAGUDA FSC, De La Salle University)
The Department of Education (DepEd) partnered with the De La Salle University, Knowledge Channel, Lopez Group Foundation and Australian AID to organize the SDS (Schools Division Superintendents) training program. The program aims to provide SDSs with the level of competency necessary for them to perform their functions well, amid changes in the environment, strategies, policies, and organization of the DepEd. The program was customized in response to the needs of SDSs, as expressed in a 2011 survey about the top challenges, opportunities and skills sets required for the effective leadership of school divisions.
The survey also found the need to upgrade competencies for the effective performance of SDS duties in the face of educational reforms, especially the changes brought about by the K to 12 Program. The SDS training program will run for 12 sessions from October 2012 to December 2013.
From L-R (RINA LOPEZ-BAUTISTA, Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc., ELAINE WARD, Australian Agency for International Development, DR. OSCAR M. LOPEZ, Lopez Group Foundation, Inc., BR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO FSC, Department of Education, BR. RICARDO LAGUDA FSC, De La Salle University)
The Department of Education (DepEd) partnered with the De La Salle University, Knowledge Channel, Lopez Group Foundation and Australian AID to organize the SDS (Schools Division Superintendents) training program. The program aims to provide SDSs with the level of competency necessary for them to perform their functions well, amid changes in the environment, strategies, policies, and organization of the DepEd. The program was customized in response to the needs of SDSs, as expressed in a 2011 survey about the top challenges, opportunities and skills sets required for the effective leadership of school divisions.
The survey also found the need to upgrade competencies for the effective performance of SDS duties in the face of educational reforms, especially the changes brought about by the K to 12 Program. The SDS training program will run for 12 sessions from October 2012 to December 2013.