Blogapalooza Manila Business to Blogger Networking Event Philippines WhenInManila (9)

It's time for BLOGAPALOOZA 2013! The most exciting event for blogger this year! BLOGAPALOOZA is the link between big and small businesses who have something cool to share and the online community of people who love to share. Blogapalooza is a blogger event on crack! Lots of giveaways for the bloggers and online community and a chance for big and small businesses to present their product / brand / thingamajig to hundreds of influential bloggers and online social media influencers.

Our Awesome Planet & When in Manila in partnership with GO Negosyo presents BLOGAPALOOZA 2013, the biggest business to blogger networking event! BLOG-PH.com is one of the first blogs to be invited on this event so if you are blogger and want to this event then go to http://blogapalooza.wheninmanila.com/ or if you have a business who wants a great online mileage for your brand without spending a fortune then sign up to #blogapalooza.