Group of Concerned Citizen Petitioned for a Better Judicial System

[slideshare via irisaeirin]

Above document is the "Final Statement of Concern" signed by concerned citizens, some are from Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Philippine Association of Law Schools, Public Attorney's Office, and other notable lawyers in the country. This is regarding the high-profile incidents of flip-flopping by Supreme Court especially, the recent case between Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation and Keppel Cebu Shipyard, Inc.

 According to the signatories, "We believe that underlying a stable judicial system is respect for the finality and immutability of judgments, which tells us that, at the risk of occasional errors, litigation must come to an end some time and the winning party must be allowed to enjoy the fruits of his victory. We have been bothered in the past by high-profile incidents of flip-flopping by the highest court of the land." 

"We are alarmed beyond words. The case of Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation vs. Keppel Cebu Shipyard, Inc. transcends the private commercial interests of the parties as it involves the abandonment of sacrosanct legal doctrines that are the strength of any legal system. The case has opened the floodgate for zombie cases. From now on, no final judgment will ever remain final. Immutability of judgments will become a fiction of law. The entire judicial system will fall into disrepute." they added.

I'm with their plea for a better judicial system. For me trust is a very important thing, when I lose my trust to something, it will take time to bring it back. Transparency is the key! Investors will be encouraged to invest in a country where they are assured that judicial system will function normally, will observe the rule of law, and will level the playing field for everyone.

Though some of us will ignore this issue because they are not "affected" directly, a group of concerned individual stand-up for something. "We respectfully appeal to the Supreme Court NOT TO ABANDON the sacred and time honored principle of immutability of judgments but to continue applying it and thereby restore and preserve the stability of our judicial system."