'Run & Raise Scholars' on April 18 at Aseana Business Park

Go home from a weekend night out within Metro Manila and you are bound to come across hordes of runners pounding the pavement as strongly as the hangover within your inebriated head. Running has become a trend a hundredfold more popular than badminton breaking across social strata and fitness levels because all you need is a pair of rubber shoes… or not even, given the increasing number of barefoot runners. Races are happening simultaneously in different locations in and out of the metro calling to thousands of active runners to support their various causes and make this exercise in fitness more purposeful.

The Foundation of the Society of Fellows in Supply Management (SOFSM) is a mouthful but after the mangroves, trees, homes etc., would you run to help this group support underprivileged students?

“We started as an association of practitioners and felt the need to professionalize Supply Management as a vital component of any industry so we put together the curriculum now being offered as courses in the University of Makati and Jose Rizal University” explains SOFSM President, Romeo Recto. “It’s a very specialized field so we are optimistic that our scholars will not only improve the economic status of their families as soon as they go into practice but will also be recognized as the best ones out there” Recto beams proudly.

Athlete Derek Ramsey also believes in the program and shows support to the foundations efforts.  Join the 3k, 5k or 10k of “Run and Raise Scholars” on April 18 at Aseana Business Park in Paranaque.

For more details visit www.pepsquadevents.com or call 5197010.