Dos and Don'ts of Being a Fan of Something

Be it a public figure, a celebrity, a game, or even an event, almost all of us are a fan of something. It doesn’t even have to be a crowd favorite and as long as you’re enjoying it, why the heck not?

Here, we have gathered a list of the things you ought to and not to do when you’re rooting for someone or something.  It may be something that seems like common sense to everyone, but we think it’s still better if you put these into writing.


Show up on time during meet-ups.

There’s something classic about being punctual, even on the smallest events. It helps you come off as a person brimming with integrity and respect for other people. When people see you this way, this makes it easier for them to open up to you and make meaningful connections in the long run.

Interact with other fans and be nice to everyone.

When you attend an event related to your favorite, don’t forget to interact with other people. You don’t have to be a social butterfly and talk to as many people as possible (if you do, there’s nothing wrong with that as well). 

If you’re an introvert, start connecting with people online so come event day, you will not have to worry about not knowing anyone. It will also make it easier for you and your fellow fans to break the ice because you already had some interactions before you met face to face. And of course, if you already have friends with the same favorites as you do, then tag them along and have some fun.

Stay until the end if you’re attending a concert or other similar events.

Unless you need to attend something really important right after or even in the middle of the event, stay during the entire length of the event. Public figures and celebrities especially appreciate this gesture as this shows your full support towards what they do, their advocacies, and everything related to the reasons you’ve become a fan in the first place.

So at the very least, show up and stay for a bit as a form of solidarity for their cause. If they want to share their music with the world, then be there to see it through. They may not know you on a personal basis, but people you know who are fellow fans may draw inspiration from what you do.

Respect goes a long way.

When posting and commenting in groups or forums, always be tactful. Imagine yourself talking to them face-to-face. Will you still say the same thing to them if you’re in person? Sometimes, it’s tempting to just throw hurtful words around and be done with it. But is it really the right thing to say or do? If the situation is reversed and you’re on the receiving end of the words or actions, will it be okay on your part? Make it a rough guide if you think your judgment is somewhat clouded at the time.

Be updated on the latest events.

This is especially applicable if you’re a fan of a celebrity. Are there any fan meets you need to attend? What are the details? Even if your schedule is currently stumped at the time, get the tiny details as well and pass it on to people who are also fans of your favorite person. Even if you can’t go, at least you gave your fellow fans a chance to make it to the event.


Don’t start fights with other fans.

Especially don’t do this to non-fans or to people who are a fan of another person or thing with the opposite concepts or ideals of your favorite. In the process, you will only encourage them to close off all possible conversations with you. If your goal is to change their mind about something, starting fights will 100% not work in your favor. If anything, it will just make them more resolute on their current stand on things.

Instead of starting an argument, why not look for “loopholes” or points where you can actually agree with the person about your favorite? It doesn’t have to be a positive thing, but just a common ground where you can further improve the discussion. You may even gain a friend before you know it.

Don’t show selective support.

If you’re really a fan of something or someone, you should support it or them no matter what. However, you still have to call out if there’s anything wrong about the thing or person you’re supporting. After all, you’re not there to just validate feelings and promote the wonderful things your fandom has to offer.

Just like any other things in life, your fandom is not perfect (but of course, it’s totally understandable if you think otherwise). Therefore, you also need to provide feedback on the areas they need to improve on, the kinks that need to be fixed, and maybe their insights on some things in life. 

Criticizing them or it on these things will not make you less of a fan–actually, it’s the opposite–because you’re there even during the ugly times when others want to walk away from your fandom. And more often than not, you’re just giving feedback because you want your favorite to improve over time. It’s more of a constructive criticism and if you deliver your piece as kindly as possible, there’s a great chance they will receive the comment graciously.

Don’t take criticisms personally.

In the same light, don’t make it a point to make everything about you. If your favorite show you’re watching for entertainment went downhill and everyone is complaining about it even if you found the plot twist awesome, they’re not criticizing you but simply expressing their thoughts on the show.

One thing you can do to help you achieve clarity is to ask these people why they said what they did about your favorite. In the process, you may realize things that you initially have not before you interacted with them. You may even agree on some points that they expressed and they may even see your side of the story. In the long run, it’s a win-win situation!

Don’t bash or discourage anyone.

It goes without saying that people who say hurtful words to others may not remember it, but those who acted as the recipients will remember this from time to time. You may not realize it, but what you’ve said may cut through them and may even affect the way they see themselves–and that’s the last thing you want to do, even if you’re hurt with what another person told you some time ago.

Instead of being a source of hurt and discouragement, be that person who can be supportive of your fellow fans’ causes and rally behind them if they need it. Even the tiniest words to help them push forward will get them through a lot of tough things they have to go through, and they may even remember you for it. 

Don’t compare.

This is a common point of argument among fans and non-fans. They seem to compare people, places, things, and events more often than they can count them. This eventually leads to misunderstanding and a vile feeling towards each other–which is totally avoidable if there wasn’t any comparison in the first place.