NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect With 48 Hours Protection

Few weeks ago, a Xend delivery man arrived at our doorstep and gave me blue package :D I found out its from NIVEA Philippines and has a NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect Deo Roll On inside, I also found a note that says, "TEST THE POWERFUL PROTECTION FROM SILVER!" It's an invite for a 'duel' between bloggers at the LazerXtreme at Market! Market! The note also says, "Use your Nivea For Men Silver Protect Deo Roll-On, wear comfortable clothes and running shoes to enjoy our Silver Protect Lazer Tag Challenge! See you there!"

The note excites me :D Because I just played LazerXtreme once and I really want to try it again. I also wants to test if NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect can really protect me from sweating a lot, despite the fact that the game will require me a lot of running.

I read online that the NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect Deodorant is the first formula to utilize the antibacterial power of silver ions and fights body odor by targeting its cause. These highly active molecules incapacitate odor-forming micro-organisms, stopping body odor from being produced in the first place. Despite being tough on bacteria, NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect is still mild and gentle to the delicate skin of the underarm, minimizing the chances of getting irritation or redness.

Representatives from NIVEA Philippines shown us an AVP on what  NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect is made of.

Before the game, I sprayed NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect on my underarm to ensure that there will be no excessive sweating so I can fully enjoy the laser tag game. It has that dry, woody aromatic scent (with citrus top notes) that smells as fresh at the end of a long day as when it’s first applied. I fell it love with the scent, it smells like cologne :D

Since I already played the game, I knew some techniques already. So after the two tiring game with  23 bloggers:

 Tadaah! I ranked 12 out of 23 who played the game! Not bad eh? :D I can't wait to try this game again, of course I will never forget to put NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect on my underarm first! ;)

We we're divided into three teams, and played for two games. Of course, after every game, we would check out our shirts if our underarms is already sweating, but not. Almost every part of our body is sweating but not our underarms =)

Well, I'm actually expecting it, this is made by NIVEA, who have been in the skincare business for more than 100 years!

NIVEA FOR MEN Silver Protect is available in: 25mL Roll-on (Php 55.00),  50mL Roll-on (Php 95.00) and 150mL Spray (Php 180.00).